Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Polymath a Man of Many Talents Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Polymath a Man of Many Talents - Research Paper Example A person of great stature can be a tragic hero not anyone else and these guidelines were followed by almost all the great writers, this goes to show a lot about Aristotle and his achievements. William Shakespeare also incorporated Aristotle’s guidelines in his tragedies. Hamlet is a classic example of the same, Hamlet suffers all along in the tragedy, he was the tragic hero because he was a person with great stature, the Prince of Denmark. Aristotle also wrote about tragic flaws and how the same affected the tragic hero. This paper will shed more light upon the life and the philosophy of one and only Aristotle. â€Å"Aristotle (384–322 B.C.E.) numbers among the greatest philosophers of all time. Judged solely in terms of his philosophical influence, only Plato is his peer: Aristotle's works shaped centuries of philosophy from Late Antiquity through the Renaissance, and even today continue to be studied with keen, non-antiquarian interest. A prodigious researcher and wr iter, Aristotle left a great body of work, perhaps numbering as many as two-hundred treatises, from which approximately thirty-one survive.† (Aristotle) Aristotle’s Philosophy Procrastination can be sustained by rational decisions and this can even be applied on an addict in order to cure him of his addiction. Intransitive preferences, comprehensively throws light upon our delays which may seem to be irrational and it also expansively presents our preference for rewards which we may get immediately; it also presents our regrets later for having made our choice. A report that is due on Thursday is only worked upon on Tuesday or Wednesday but not Monday and this goes to show the theory of intransitive preference, this procrastination and the belief in working upon the report tomorrow is what this theory is all about. This paper will expansively present the concept of aesthetics, the story of David and the choice that he made will also be analyzed in this paper. A complete round-up of how people choose and rate a piece of art will be provided in this paper. Imagination takes centre stage when it comes to deciding a piece of art or any beautiful thing for that matter. Understanding is seldom used when we decide about a beautiful piece of art and this also gives rise to cognition. A judgment of taste has nothing to do with our understanding or logic, it is all about aesthetic sense and whatever appeals to our aesthetic sense is appreciated and chosen by us. When it is accepted that a masterpiece is beautiful, it is contemplated upon and people unanimously conclude that it is beautiful, how it is judged in our contemplation is what matters the most. For instance, if someone is asked to comment about a very huge and a beautiful palace, he might not even be interested in such huge palaces and would conclude by saying that the hard-earned money of the people must never be squandered in building such superfluous buildings. It is suggested that we have to be indifferent when it comes to judging matters of taste only then can we do justice to it. Aristotle’s Thoughts on Aesthetic Judgment Concepts like agreeable and non agreeable are very important when it comes to judging a work of art or for that matter any other work that involves the use of aesthetic sense.  

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