Sunday, May 24, 2020

Fine Art, Fashion and Design - 1276 Words

My essay is going to be a discussion on whether fine art, fashion and designers are linked with each other. On starting my essay I looked up the definition of Fine art, the term is used to distinguish the variation of creative art forms, developed by humans. Some of the many concepts which fall under this category are painting, drawing, calligraphy, sculpture etc. I agree that fine art uses lots of visually appealing methods which seem graceful, like calligraphy the work produced is quite delicate and pretty. The area in fine art which I seek to specialise in is fashion it’s an expression in today’s society which defines the popular trends and style within clothes, foot wear and accessories. I feel that many designers of today create†¦show more content†¦The materials used and designs created just seems too creative to be just clothes, to me they are better suited as art piece which should be shown. Even decades after her death today, each new generation of wom en who own casual jersey or a black dress. Will experience the influence of Chanel, the use of minimalism, neutral colours and shape is use in many artists and designers work today. John Galliano is another notorious fashion designer, born in 1960 in Gibraltar. Galliano sold his very first collection, ‘Les Incroyables’ after graduating at Saint Martin’s School of arts; the collection was inspired by the French revolution. Galliano was also renowned for his flamboyant exotic catwalk, his amazing ability to duplicate inspirations from varies sources and recreating his own, his knowledge of studying survival garments and learning the methods to cut and drape new shape. If you were to walk in on one of his events you would most likely think you stumble across a theatre performance rather than a catwalk collection. His accuracy to creating the perfectly accessorize garments just shows how hard-working and well thought out his creations are. Galliano is an extremely in novative designer; all of his collection has been named to reflect the background research inspirations, he believes in order to push fashion forward one must first educate themselves of the past. And with that his inspired work comes from historicalShow MoreRelatedCareers of Design: Interior and Fashion Essay1715 Words   |  7 Pageslabor, and yet there are still many professions that fit into a different type of category: Fine Arts. Fine Arts is an unique category in which two special occupations fall into: a fashion designer and an interior designer. Fine Arts is a unique category that some adults’ jobs fit into. Fine Arts employs a majority of people who are artistic and are creative. However, not all the employed enjoy the Arts; some of the careers are simplistic and simply follow orders of a creative boss. 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